Board of Directors

Nikki (Guevarra) Boesiger
Board President

Jenna Klobucar
Board Vice President

Brenda Herold
Board Treasurer
Brenda is a founding member of A.O.E and the Alpha Chapter, Marquette University where she majored in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
During these years she held a number of positions in establishing this organization. While early in her software engineering career, she completed a Computer Engineering degree from University of Illinois. Brenda contributed to Chapter Advising, Judiciary committee and most recently with the Strategic Planning committee. Brenda has volunteer activities beyond A.O.E that focus on promoting STEM from Middle School age students through graduate students. Brenda currently works for a software company that is focused on transforming the software defined AI first world. This provides the ability to be a part of transforming society and the economy across aerospace, defense, telecommunications, automotive, industrial and medical fields with a growth mindset. Brenda’s passion is driven by experiences and travel is an amble pallet for that painting. These experiences have ranged from living abroad, short and long trips and having spent time on all 7 continents (connect and ask about all the ways to embrace and learn and grow).

Nanee Enciso Fredrickson
Board Secretary
Nanee is a proud 2021 graduate of the Beta Gamma chapter at San Diego State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish. During her undergraduate years, Nanee was deeply involved in her chapter, serving on the executive board for three years as Secretary and Vice President, as well as holding multiple chair positions. Her dedication to the sorority continued post-graduation, as she began volunteering on the chapter audits committee. Now, she is thrilled to take her passion for service and leadership to the next level as a member of the sorority's Board of Directors.
Professionally, Nanee works in San Diego, California, as a Laboratory Specialist in the R&D Lab Management Group at Illumina. Her role focuses on Operational Excellence & Continuous Improvement, with additional responsibilities including pipette calibration support.
Outside of work and her sorority commitments, Nanee enjoys spending her free time cross-stitching, reading on her Kindle, going on motorcycle rides with her husband (and their stuffed platypus Petunia), and building botanical Lego sets.

Natalie Gorensek
Director of Chapter Services

Meaghan Martin
Director of Alumni Relations
Meaghan graduated from The University of Alabama in 2018 with her BS in Computer Science. During her time in undergrad, she was a Beta Rho Chapter Founder and served as Recruitment and Greek Relations chairs as well as Chapter President. Meaghan started volunteering with the sorority just after graduating. She served as the Beta Omicron Chapter Advisor for 5 years and the Gamma Beta Chapter Advisor for 2 years while also being active on the Alumni Association, Website, and Strategic Planning Committees. Meaghan is excited for the future of A.O.E.'s alumni relations! She is grateful for all of the friends, connections, and memories she's made as a volunteer and is excited to expand on the sorority's programming so that all A.O.E. alumni can have the same opportunity.
Meaghan currently lives in New York City with her partner and their two cats. She works as a Software Engineer in the Sports Industry. In her free time, she loves reading, photography, and exploring new farmers markets and coffee shops in the Hudson Valley.

Elaine Houha
Director of Expansion

Riley Dowdle
Director of Communications
Riley is a graduate of the Alpha Chapter, Marquette University where she double majored in Biomedical (Biocomputing) Engineering & Theology and Religious Studies, as well as completed a certificate in Engineering Leadership. During her collegiate experience, she held a few committee roles including formal and chaplain, to the executive board position of President. Riley has continued to serve and remain engaged with A.O.E. in several capacities which has included serving on the executive board of the Alpha Alumni Chapter in the roles of Treasurer and now President, and volunteering on the Merchandise, Social Media, and Newsletter groups before serving on the Board of Directors as the Director of Communications.
Riley currently works as a software engineer for Beckman Coulter, Dx where she writes automated tests for immunoassay machines. She is also a part-time graduate school student at GeorgiaTech where she is pursuing a Master's of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering. When not on her grind with work, school, and volunteering, she enjoys weightlifting & getting out to hike in her local MN state parks. She lives with the new assistant to the Director of Communications - a very large, very fluffy, orange kitty named Larry.

Jessica Vestal
Director of Sustainable Operations
Jessica graduated from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2015 with her B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering. As an undergraduate in the Theta Chapter, she served as fundraising co-chair, social co-chair, president, alumni relations co-chair, and philanthropy chair. She started volunteering as an alumna shortly after graduating as a chapter advisor and has continued to stay involved in various committees. Jessica currently lives near Raleigh, NC, where she works as a traffic engineer. In her free time, she enjoys playing board and video games, reading, and getting outside and enjoying nature. She is looking forward to her term as Director of Sustainable Operations and influencing the future direction of the Sorority, ensuring that the supportive environment and enjoyable experience continues for all members.

Aileen Morey
Director of Volunteer Relations
Aileen is a graduate of the Gamma Chapter at North Carolina State University, where she graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in December 2014. She is from Houston, Texas and returned to her roots after graduation for work. She currently works in the construction industry for an engineering consulting firm as a licensed professional engineer and commissioning agent.
She recently moved to Dallas, TX with her dog (Tuck) and horse (Nari) to lead the department there. Aileen also volunteers with a committee for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, which raises more than $20M every year for education scholarships. She is a woman with many passions including woodworking, gardening, archery, leather working, welding, dog training, and horse training!
In the DoVR role, she will focus on building community amongst volunteers and support collaboration between committees and board members.